Thanks for joining us in this place of encouragement and inspiration. A few things you should know: You are loved and complete just the way you are AND you can make small changes in your life to find wellbeing in mind, body and spirit.

Back to Basics- Breathe, Move, Reflect

January will find most of us with determination to lose weight, eat healthier or de-stress. But how do we actually do that? Our inbox and social media feeds are filled with all the New Years’ fixes and it is overwhelming! I emulate my approach to lasting change with small habit shifts from the podcaster and author, Rangan Chatterjee. He explains, “Effortless change is the best change of all. It’s change that is automatic because it has become part of you.” – Rangan Chatterjee from his book, Make Change That Lasts

To bring it back to basics, you can improve your entire wellbeing with three simple habits: Breathe, Move, Reflect.

  1. Just Breathe- As a modern society, we have forgotten how to breathe- we take short, shallow, quick breaths which maintains our nervous system in ‘flight or flight’ mode. There are hundreds of breathing techniques available to learn but simply noticing your breath (where it comes in and out) is extremely helpful. Breathing a bit more deeply to fill your entire lungs, and exhaling more slowly will trigger the ‘rest and digest’ part of your nervous system and calm your body and mind.
  2. Move it- Movement does not have to include running a marathon or spending two hours in the gym. Find movement you love and do more of it (gardening, dancing, cleaning, walking outside, playing with your kids, etc.). There are bonus benefits if you move outdoors. Work it into your day in five-minute exercise ‘snacks.’ Just get off the couch and move!
  3. Take time to reflect- Without music, or podcasts, or talk radio in your ears, take a few minutes each day to check in with yourself and listen to your own thoughts.

What does this look like? Try a five-minute morning routine that starts each day in a grounded place. Start with a few full body stretches even before you jump out of bed. Stop to really enjoy those few sips of hot coffee or tea without distraction. Then take ten slow breaths before you check your phone. You may be surprised how just a few shifts in your daily routine can create an internal calm that carries you throughout the day.

What is one simple thing you will try today to improve your mental, spiritual, or physical wellbeing?

*Many of us need a little support on this journey. Connection and accountability are HUGE. If you would like to work together through this process, contact me for a free video or phone call to get you on the right path.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” —Henry Ford

Wishing you well,
