
stack of inspirational books on a nightstand

Books and authors to inform and inspire


  • Will Bulsiewicz: Fiber Fueled
  • Zach Bush, MD: Farmer’s Footprint (documentary)
  • Tim Spector: The Diet Myth and Spoonfed: Why Everything You Know about Food Is Wrong
  • Dr. Rupy Aujla: The Doctor’s Kitchen—Eat to Beat Illness

Sleep and Recovery-

Dr. Matthew Walker: Why We Sleep and TED Talk, “Sleep is your superpower”


Hormone Health-

  • Gemma Newman, MD: The Plant Power Doctor
  • Dr. Stacy Simms: ROAR and Next Level

Brain health/Longevity-

  • Sergey Young: The Science and Technology of Growing Young
  • David Sinclair, PhD: Lifespan: The Revolutionary Science of Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To
  • Dr. Peter Attia: various books and podcasts

Trauma-informed healing-

  • Dr. Conti: Trauma, the Invisible Epidemic: How Trauma Works and How We Can Heal from It
  • Dr. Gabor Maté: The Myth of Normal
  • Dr. Howard SchubinerL Unlearn Your Pain: A 28-day Process to Reprogram Your Brain
  • Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD: The Body Keeps the Score

Functional medicine/Lifestyle approach to health-

  • Dr Rangan Chatterjee: Happy Mind, Happy Life
  • Dr. Andrew Weil: various books
  • James Clear: Atomic Habits


Mindfulness/Stress Reduction-

  • Brian MacKenzie: Breathing
  • Adam Alter: Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and The Business of Keeping Us Hooked
  • Jay Shetty: Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Everyday
  • Dr. Joe Dispenza: Becoming Supernatural and You Are the Placebo
  • Claudia Hammond: The Art of Rest: How to Find Respite in the Modern Age
  • Jon Kabat-Zinn: various books on mindfulness


Podcasts, Apps, and Newsletters-

  • “Huberman Lab Podcast”
  • “Feel Better, Live More” (Dr. Rangan Chatterjee)
  • “3-2-1 Newsletter” (James Clear on changing habits)
  • “The Rich Roll Podcast”



“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Sharon Salzberg, world-renowned mindfulness and lovingkindness teacher, and New York Times bestselling author.