Yay, you’re here! I am so excited to invite you into my head and heart where I hope to offer a place of encouragement and inspiration on your path to well-being.

One of my favorite vacations was a trip to the Grand Tetons. I can’t begin to describe the beauty and awe we experienced. As we hiked up the trails, one of my traveling buddies always encouraged us to stop and look behind. Often there was a spectacular view hidden behind our backs. Appreciating the obstacles we overcame gave us a huge sense of accomplishment.

Historical fiction, ancestry records, period films- I’ve always been fascinated by looking back in history to understand “how we got here”. After my mom died when I was little, I cherished hearing stories about her. She was a book-worm who loved to travel- just like me. The fact that she was a nurse was a significant reason I chose to work in the healthcare field. That bookworm trait I inherited from my her… it inspired me to a growth mindset and commitment to lifelong learning.

Middle age gets a bad rap. I am grateful for the perfect timing to look back on my life- to be grateful for the beauty and be humbled by my past experiences. At the same time, the end of the trail is coming into view which promises to reveal all the secrets of my impact in this world. In the meantime, I know my purpose is to connect compassionately with people and to encourage wholehearted living- physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Here are some of the trails I am currently wondering on:

  • I have amazing friends and faith community but learning how to share my vulnerability.
  • I am active but I’ve never felt athletic (I spent more time on the high school soccer team braiding my teammates’ hair than on the field). I am now discovering many ways to challenge the limits of my mind and body (ask me about Powerlifting).
  • Growing up in the Christian faith, I am glimpsing the breadth and scope of spiritual practices.
  • Through some difficult times, I developed healthy and unhealthy coping strategies. So I continue to work toward a healthier relationship with food.
  • Never having the body shape praised by our society, I am working towards self-compassion and body acceptance.

If you found your way to this blog, I sincerely hope you can recognize some of yourself in my journey and are encouraged. I do not have the path clearly marked but I invite you along in my journey toward “wholehearted being.” Mostly, I want you to know that you are not alone. You, Me, and Love= 3 to Thrive.

Be Well,
