The Beauty of Gratitude

“Gratitude is the closest thing to beauty manifested in an emotion,” writes Mindy Kaling, actress, comedian, and writer Several years ago, I took an exercise class with a teacher who interjected her instructions with comments like, “As you squat, be grateful for your...
Ways to Walk

Ways to Walk

Ways to Walk  One of my favorite traditions in the fall is my “12-hour walk”. A few years ago, I was inspired by a podcast, and challenged myself to a day of movement in nature and in solitude. It was physically more difficult than I anticipated but also wonderful in...
Political Anxiety?

Political Anxiety?

Thanks for joining us in a place of encouragement and inspiration on your path to well-being. You deserve it! Are You Suffering with Political Anxiety? It is almost time for the big election. Potential policy changes, election outcomes, international relations,...